Missing 10 Year Old Girl In McCleary, WA  

Posted by Write2Write

I am appealing to all you internet users who don't pay too much attention to the television news.

10 year old Lindsey Baum from McCleary, WA is missing and we have no leads to her whereabouts. If you have seen her or have any information as to where Lindsey may be, please call Grays Harbor 911 operations center at 866-915-8299 or The Cure Center for Missing Persons 24 hour Tip-line 910-232-1687. You may also contact family and friends of Lindsey Baum through our site findlindseybaum.com or via email at contact@findlindseybaum.com

In the meantime I am begging anyone and everyone to get the word out on to forums and twitter, Myspace and Facebook anywhere that people may frequent who spend a lot of time online and may have missed the newscast or Lindsey's picture.

Visit the Squidoo lens created in support of Lindsey Baum Squidoo

Print out Lindsey's Missing Persons Posters

To Lindsey: We Miss you Lindsey and want you to come home. Things are not the same without your boisterous laughter and insistent chattering which we have all come to love and now miss dearly. Your family misses you so much and the support to bring you home is overwhelming. We are praying for you and your safety. If you can call home, call the police let us know that you are out there and that you are ok.

Love you Sweetheart!!

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 1:18 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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